Inspire-se com as Casas dos Nossos Clientes em Presidente Prudente

Get inspired by our clients' homes in Presidente Prudente

We are a reference in solid wood furniture in Brazil

You've probably already researched and know that Toth is a reference in solid wood furniture in Brazil, right?

Well, now you can learn about and be inspired by the projects that Toth has been part of.

photo gallery of the clients' house of toth furniture president prudente 1

Each House is a Case!

We are tired of receiving messages and emails asking for ideas and suggestions regarding furniture and decorations for each of our clients' rooms. And yes, we do this with the greatest pleasure in the world!
However, unfortunately, we are unable to respond to you at the exact time you send the message, often on weekends or holidays.

photo gallery of the clients' house toth furniture presidente prudente 2

Get inspired by incredible environments!

So we thought: if we delivered all the furniture and recorded it with photos and videos, why not share this with our fans, partners and customers?
From now on you can follow, get inspired and create incredible environments!

photo gallery of the clients' house of toth furniture president prudente 3

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