O que sua Casa diz sobre Você?

What Does Your Home Say About You?

Translating the reflection in the mirror into manifestations that make our own representations tactile is not easy. But the journey is perhaps one of the most pleasurable in life. Our collections whisper the eloquence of our personality under construction, and design is a rich tool for discovery. Multicultural, Brazil has a great advantage: when it comes to design, we are polyglots by nature.

One of the most important activities in life is creating a home. Over the years, we have dedicated ourselves to gathering emotional pieces and searching, both old and new, for objects that encapsulate our identity.

Even if the house is not the most sumptuous, after some time between hotels, planes and trips, we feel a latent desire to return to our own place. This has nothing to do with the value of the objects or the material attachment they arouse.

We return home to remember who we are. Our home has the function of anchoring our memory and organizing our memories. From the creation of sumptuous Greco-Roman temples to the Christian welcome in the divine house, architecture has become a language capable of understanding the human imagination and materializing it as a powerful memory tool.

Even after the Renaissance proposed an anthropocentric revision, our home continues to be a temple that exalts our own merits and spirits. We use objects that functionally express values ​​and adjectives that we admire from the material world to create a concise narrative about ourselves. A kind of reinforcement, a repository of meanings that encourages, reminds, consoles…

The task of planning a home fulfills in us the unconscious desire to stabilize and organize the emotions around us. The home assumes the role of a repository of the soul, a destination of unquestionable tranquility. This is what we reaffirm when we repeat: beauty brings peace.

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